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Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday's are always sketchy.

How is it Monday already? Wasn't it just monday?

See? This is what being on holiday from college is like. There seems 
to be no way to keep track of the days, and then they slip away from 
you. Its nice, but I'm starting to miss a regular schedule and assignments.
( Don't tell that to Kayla at the begging of break. She wont believe you.) 

Now onto what this is actually about. My weekly sketch. 
For some reason I really didn't like the pages I made this week.
 Its stupid, I know. But I didn't. 
So I decided to revisit two older ones that seemed fitting. 
Don't ask me why there fitting. I couldn't tell you.

The page on the right is in direct response to having Gluten issues. 
After about a year, I have been doing really well at avoiding the horrid stuff,
but sometimes the little buggers just sneak in and I'm down for a week.
It gets really old. I'm learning how to combat it, but its a slow endeavor sometimes.  
I don't know what the flowers were all about, but thats okay. Flowers are artsy... Right?

The page on the left contains a picture I took from my Thanks Giving trip to New York.
Oh my goodness was New York amazing! It was nothing like I expected. It was 10 times better! 
Like every stereotypical tourist I saw your generic sights. 
(as well as some not so generic)  
This particular photo was of the tree in Rockefeller Center.
Hence the title "They lied about the Tree." 
I was actually really disappointed by the tree. It's big I suppose, 
but I also live in Colorado. It could have just been
swallowed up by the Gorgeous buildings. I may never know.  

Juxtaposed, the photos have no connection, 
but seem contain the same emotion. 
I'm not exactly sure how that happens, but it does. 
And there's something beautiful about that.

Even though I barely realized it was Monday, 
I hope you all had as great a weekend as I did.

P.s. I only have ten pages left in my sketchbook, and I absolutely 
wait to start the next one! 

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