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Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday's are always sketchy.

I suppose this is my very first ever post. Ever. 
Kind of a daunting task, but I'm up to it! 
A large majority of my life revolves around art. 
I eat, sleep, read, experience, look at, and make art. 
I big part of this for me is my sketch book. 
I used to be super intimidated by the sketch books of others. 
Then I saw a friends. Her sketch book was so loose and 
artistic. She drew, ripped out pages, painted, modgepodged the holy 
heck out of that thing. Some how that made me feel less stuck 
in thinking that each page had to be a perfect drawing. 
So I started out about a year ago. I made one, and have never looked 
back! It was slow going at first but I think I've finally found 
my sketch book niche. While this is the case,
 I'm still really inconsistent.
That is why I will be doing a weekly post of some pages. 
I was pretty lame last week so I only have one. It's pleased with it though.

 " I began melting and you didn't even notice"

Some other pieces I've been finding inspiration from lately: 
This piece is by Rachael over at Talk2TheTrees
Her work is so fun and whimsical, as well as being a bit Macabre. 

Regan Roseburg's multilayered pieces are so incredible. 
Find her website here. I got the pleasure of seeing her work not
to long ago and the photo's do not do it justice! 

Last but not least. Mr. Mark Rothko! I can't help
but be blown away by his paintings. This particular
one was the last piece he made before he died! Can't
you see his feelings?

Today is also my 20th birthday, which is pretty exciting. I'm one of those people 
that justifies purchases by saying "It's for my birthday" even when its not.
But this time it actually was. I ordered this awesome bro tank with a 
caption that says "spawn till you die". I'm absolutely in love! 
So much so that I may have worn it two day's straight..... maybe. 
Hopefully sometime this week I can incorporate it into a fashion post!
That way it can be see for all its glory. I ordered this beauty from Ray Troll.
He's an Alaskan artist that specializes in fish puns. He really catches my sense of humor.
See what I did there?

You can find the shirt here
I hope you all are having as great a day as I am! 

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